Senegal: DER / FJ launches a nanocredit point and finances agricultural projects in Kaffrine

The General Delegation for the Rapid Entrepreneurship of Women and Youth (DER / FJ) inaugurated a Nano-credit point and proceeded to the delivery of funding for the Agrijeunes project in the department of Kaffrine, located about 250 km from the capital Senegalese. This initiative is part of the Xeuyou Ndaw yi program, an emergency program for the employment and socio-economic integration of young people and women, initiated by the State of Senegal.
This is a total amount of 229 million FCFA granted to 2,264 beneficiaries in the space of 6 months as part of the Nano credit financing program launched in June 2021 in Kaffrine. In the same department, 24 young entrepreneurs were funded to the tune of 57 million for the Agrijeunes project. The financing is granted in the form of a loan ranging from 10,000 to 300,000 FCFA, for a maturity of 3 to 6 months, with a commission of 5% (including 1% for the OPIP support recovery, and 1% for the transaction costs of digital payments).
“Since 2018, the DER / FJ has been able to invest around 3.1 billion FCFA distributed among 13,052 beneficiaries. She also trained 4,500 young people and women in the Kaffrine region. In terms of percentage of priority sectors, agriculture is in the lead with 41%, followed by livestock (32%) and services (17%), of which 75% are women and 25% are men ”, underlined Papa Amadou Sarr, Minister Delegate General for Rapid Entrepreneurship of Women and Youth, who chaired the event.
In the same wake, the Minister Delegate General praised the will of the beneficiaries in the reimbursement, which reached a rate of 90%. And to promise a credit increase of up to 500,000 FCFA ($ 1,000) by January 2022 as an encouragement.