CEC Releases Unaudited Results For The Half Year Ended 30 June 2023


CEO, Owen Silavwe, commented:
“I am pleased to announce our half year results for the period ended June 30th 2023. Our performance for the period is against a backdrop of our strong focus on a growth strategy over the next five years, addressing and conclusively resolving all historic risks and pursuing identified key initiatives aimed at driving customer demand growth across our markets. 2023 being the first year over this planning horizon, the half year results we have announced reflect the strength and resilience of our business, delivering on our expectations for profitability and other financial metrics.

Demand for power overall remains strong, this is mostly on account of the power trading and transmission services business segments which continue to demonstrate resilience and strong growth. However, the supply business in Zambia is currently reflecting suppressed demand due to interim softening in Zambia’s copper output (in part, on account of yet to be resolved sector matters impacting operations at Mopani Copper Mines and Konkola Copper Mines), while newly connected mines are yet to ramp up demand to full capacity in line with forecasts. Total energy demanded across our customer categories was 3,140 GWh, covering all business segments including mine supply, domestic and international wheeling, transmission use of system and power trading.

As we progress on our growth agenda, we are also focused on ensuring that we close off all historic issues. In this regard, I am thrilled to report that CEC and Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) agreed a solution to address the long outstanding KCM payment default. Therefore, a part reversal of the previously impaired amount of USD171.6 million was made to the books of accounts. Additionally, an impairment of USD 35.4 million was taken on the investment in the Kabompo Hydropower Project. Furthermore, and most importantly a one off payment was made as part of the settlement relating to the two year period CEC and ZESCO operated without an agreement. This exceptional (one-off) payment resulted in a drop in cash generation from operations, which when adjusted for was comparable to the prior year. These solutions significantly de-risk the business and restore its balance sheet.

We continue to make significant progress in the integration of clean energy in our generation portfolio, while diligently pursuing other key strategic infrastructure investments. We commissioned our flagship 34MW Riverside solar plant, while implementation of the 60MW Itimpi solar plant is on course. This affirms our strategic intent to play our role in mitigating climate change through gradual integration of clean energy sources. We are also investing in other strategic infrastructure at pace. For example, we commissioned a very important transmission line to supply the 40MW Lonshi mine and have commenced works aimed at expanding the existing Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Interconnector to achieve a usable capacity of 400MW from the current 230 MW.

Performance of our Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) in the period was strong, achieving 1.187m man hours without a Lost Time Accident compared to 0.581m in the same period in 2022. Sustaining this level of performance requires that we continue to embed sustainable HSES practices in all operations.

Looking to the future, we are confident of a demand resurgence underpinned by a highly improved macroeconomic environment, increased mining activities driven by increasing investments and buoyant “green” metal prices over the medium term. We will continue to prioritize investments in strategic infrastructure and technology that will support the company’s expansionary and sustainability strategy. Additionally, we will be capitalizing our subsidiary CEC Renewables, with green project financing to support further investment in clean energy, to deliver an energy mix that will form the basis for meeting growing customer demand across our markets.’’

Financial Highlights
Revenue for the 6-month period to 30th June 2023 was USD 186.6 million up from USD183.5 million, a 2% growth on account of regional and local power sales increase.

Profit for the period was USD113.0 million representing a 277% increase over the USD30.0 million profit after tax reported in the prior period. The results were positively impacted by the settlement agreement reached between CEC and KCM which saw the immediate writeback through the income statement of USD171.6 million, being a portion of the KCM debt previously impaired. The details of the transaction were made public through a cautionary announcement circulated through SENS dated 14th July 2023. Further, the Profit After Tax also includes another exceptional specific impairment of USD35.4 million relating to the early works spend or investment in the Kabompo Hydropower project.

The cash balance as of 30th June 2023 stood at USD83.7 million (USD83.4 million December 2022), having invested USD15.1 million in prioritized capital expenditure and made payments inclusive of the exceptional one off payments as referred to in our CEO’s comment above during the period. The writeback of previously impaired amounts have significantly improved the net assets or shareholders’ funds to USD444.5 million compared to USD331.6 million as of December 2022.

Dividends Proposed and Paid
The CEC Group recognizes the need to reward its shareholders with dividends in addition to share appreciation which is a consequence of the financial and operational performance of the business. To this effect, our dividend policy provides for a guidance pay-out of about 50% of the earnings, subject to the availability of cash, and reserves, having provided sufficiently for working capital and other obligations. Similar to the financial year 2022 no dividend was declared and paid during the period under review.