Addis Ababa Corridor Project Cuts Traffic 65% but 75% Struggle to Find Parking


A new survey on Addis Ababa's ambitious Corridor Development Project found notable improvements in traffic flow and transit access, but persistent challenges around parking availability and affordability.

The survey, conducted by Ethiopian consultancy Shaka Analytics in partnership with the Addis Ababa City Transport Bureau and U.S.-based ETC Institute, polled over 400 residents on the early impacts of Phase One upgrades.

According to the findings, 65 percent of respondents reported reduced traffic congestion, while 73 percent highlighted improved access to public transit within a five-minute walk of their homes.

However, parking emerged as a significant concern, with over 75 percent of drivers struggling to find available spaces and 74 percent describing parking fees as unaffordable relative to their income.

Road quality, maintenance, and safety received high marks, with more than 80 percent of respondents expressing satisfaction.

The results underscored the need for further targeted improvements, particularly in parking infrastructure and pricing models, according to Mesay Girma, an Economist and Researcher who has led the study.

“The data clearly shows that targeted investments in parking infrastructure and pricing models are necessary to complement the other infrastructure upgrades and fully meet the mobility needs of Addis Ababa's residents,” he said. 

The Addis Ababa City Corridor Project, initiated in December 2022, aims to enhance urban infrastructure and connectivity across the city. 

The ambitious initiative includes constructing bicycle routes, pedestrian walkways, parks, and improved housing, covering eight major corridors totaling over 40 kilometers.

The project is controversial due to significant house demolitions in older neighborhoods and unclear economic benefits. The first phase alone consumed over 30 billion birr.

Phase II was launched recently, focusing on linking key areas like Bole, Kazanchis and other neighborhoods.