TIME TO SAY “BYE FOR NOW” by Dr. Victor Oladokun, Director of Communication and External Relations at the African Development Bank.

Two and a half years ago, I had the opportunity and honor to join the #AfricanDevelopmentBank in Côte d’Ivoire as the Director of Communication and External Relations
The mandate was simple. Build a world class team, transform all communication platforms, elevate the profile of the Bank and its development impact across Africa, and shape the narrative of a bold, dynamic and resurgent Africa.
With the support and loyalty of a tireless and dedicated team and with God’s help, I am proud to say “mission accomplished.”
As with every mission, there is an end date. Last week I hit the official ‘retirement’ age (I can hardly bring myself to say the word) at the Bank. And so, today March 31, 2020, I will officially bow out of this privileged role.
It’s been one of the greatest joy’s of my professional career to have been given this opportunity and responsibility. Together, we’ve been through many challenges but we’ve had many triumphs and victories.
I am grateful for the support of members of the Board of Directors past and present; the visionary dynamic leadership of Bank President #AkinwumiAdesina; the collaborative work with colleagues on the Senior Management team; the diverse and hugely talented members of staff of the Bank at HQ in our 37 offices across Africa and in our Tokyo office; the support and encouragement of so many dear media friends and colleagues across Africa and globally; and the tireless efforts of my creative and dynamic Communication team.
Most importantly, I am proud of and extremely thankful for the love and sacrificial support of my dear wife of 30 years – Georgina – and our two children. Without their support and prayers, this would never have been possible.
Finally, I sincerely give thanks to God for health, favor, grace, and abilities beyond myself to have been part of Africa and the African Development Bank’s still unfolding story.
For those asking ‘What’s Next?’
Well, like everyone else, I will be making the best use of the forced global #COVID19 lockdown. Once it’s over and it will be, I’ll be back with an answer.
In the interim, please take care of yourself. Be safe. May God bless and keep you.
Victor Oladokun,
Outgoing Director of Communication and External Relations,
African Development Bank
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
March 31st, 2020