Longhorn Kenya Ltd share price data

Par Value:
Closing Price: 4.84
Total Shares Issued: 369940476.00
Market Capitalization: 1,790,511,904
EPS: 0.67
PE: 7.224
A leading Publishing firm in East Africa.
Longhorn Publishers PLC HY 2020 results through 31st December 2019 vs. 31st December 2018
HY Revenue 725.412m vs. 697.565m +3.992%
HY Cost of sales [349.236m] vs. [271.041m] +28.850%
HY Gross profit 376.176m vs. 426.524m -11.804%
HY Operating expenses [241.444m] vs. [294.543m] -18.028%
HY Finance Costs [41.879m] vs. [41.796m] +0.199%
HY PBT 92.853m vs. 90.185m+2.958%
HY Income Tax Expense [23.886m] vs. [21.354m] +11.857%
HY Total Comprehensive Income 68.967m vs. 68.831m +0.198%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period [0.003m] vs. 92.627m -100.003%
EPS 0.253 vs. 0.253
The Board of Directors of Longhorn Publishers PLC is delighted to announce the unaudited results for the half year period ended 31 December 2019. Gross revenue for the period increased by 4% from the prior period. This has been driven by the significant rise in sales of our reference products such as Kamusi ya Karne and the Comprehensive Atlas due to the improvements made to the products over the last 12 months and an aggressive marketing push. The sales volumes for the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) products and the new Secondary School Revision Encyclopaedias continue to rise further, boosting our performance in Kenya. The regional markets of Tanzania and Uganda have also recorded a revenue growth of 21% and 15% respectively.
The total comprehensive income and net margins remained relatively flat from the prior period due to development costs for new products. However, the margins are set to improve in the second half of the financial year as the group is set to realise higher returns from investments made earlier in the year. The business remains dedicated to the implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum for which we have successfully completed the distribution of over 2.4 million Grade 4 books countrywide.
The decline in cash and cash equivalents in the period is mainly due to the change in the sales cycle, which resulted in a rise in the sales in the months of November and December, hence increasing the amount of payments owed by customers at half year. The digital transformation journey is ongoing and we continue to develop new products as we improve the existing content for our platforms based on market feedback. The Board is satisfied with the growth experienced in the regional markets and the expected finalisation of the route to market strategy into additional African markets which will solidify our presence in the continent.
These unaudited financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 17 February 2020.
By Order of The Board
Longhorn Publishers PLC FY 2019 results through 30th June 2019 vs. 30th June 2018
FY Revenue 1.600397b vs. 1.696318b -5.655%
FY Cost of sales [694.589m] vs. [781.140m] -11.080%
FY Gross profit 905.808m vs. 915.178m -1.024%
FY Distribution costs [156.093m] vs. [134.591m] +15.76%
FY Administrative Expenses [389.378m] vs. [422.452m] -7.829%
FY Operating profit 360.337m vs. 358.364m +0.551%
FY Finance costs [96.369m] vs. [85.218m] +13.085%
FY Profit before income tax 263.968m vs. 273.146m -3.360%
FY Profit for the year 185.125m vs. 183.604m +0.828%
EPS 0.68 vs. 0.67 +1.493%
Total Assets 2.338673b vs. 2.407529b -2.860%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 73.128m vs. 418.780m -82.538%
Dividend 0.52 vs. 0.42 +23.810%
Longhorn has recorded a turnover of Ksh 1.60 billion against the previous year turnover of Ksh 1.69 billion. This reduction in revenue was attributed to a decline in government spending on textbooks.
The profit after tax for the financial year ended 30 June 2019 was Ksh 185 Million, an increase from Ksh 183 Million from the previous financial year.
This improved performance in profit, despite the reduction in revenue generated, was as a result of operational efficiencies achieved through improvements in the product cycle which has consequently reduced product origination and printing costs, resulting in a 7% increase in operating profit margins.
Regional markets contribution to overall revenue increased by 41%. This was brought about by the successful implementation of the 2018 2021 Strategic Plan which focuses on product diversification for the regional markets.
The Companys liquidity position remains strong with positive cash position of Ksh 73M. The cashflow position has decreased due to some significant receivables expected from recently concluded contracts.
As we embark on the new financial year, Longhorn continues to make significant investment in growing its digital product offering as well as expanding into new territories with special focus on Francophone countries, which Longhorn seeks to enter through strategic alliances.
Longhorn remains committed to its vision to be the leading provider of innovative learning solutions in Africa.
The Directors are pleased to recommend the payment of a final dividend of Ksh 0.52 per share, totaling Ksh 142,548,000 for the year ended 30 June 2019.
The dividend is subject to approval by the shareholders at the 2019 Annual General Meeting and will be paid on or before 26 February 2020.
Dividend 7.76% of Yield.
Probably need more firepower.
Longhorn Publishers PLC H1 2019 results through 31st December 2018 vs. 31st December 2017
H1 Sales 697.565m vs. 513.460m +35.856%
H1 Cost of sales [271.041m] vs. [191.059m] +41.862%
H1 Gross profit 426.524m vs. 322.401m +32.296%
H1 Operating Expenses [336.339m] vs. [270.310m] +24.427%
H1 PBT 90.185m vs. 52.091m +73.128%
H1 Net profit 68.831m vs. 36.463m +88.769%
H1 Total assets 2.192785b vs. 1.734288b +26.437%
H1 Cash & cash equivalents at the end of the period 92.627m vs. [15.661m] +691.450%
Company Commentary
Turnover increased by 36% attributed to the growth of volumes in Kenya and the regional markets
sale of publishing rights in the regional markets which generated higher margins as compared to normal Book Sales
successfully completed distribution of close to 500,000 copies of text books to public secondary schools across the country
digital transformation strategy with has led to the repurposing of content in mobile platforms audio and video forms
continued growth in Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia
An interesting and inexpensive Prospect
14-JAN-2019 Education blows hot
Longhorn Publishers PLC FY 2018 results through 30th June 2018 vs. 30th June 2017
FY Revenue 1.696318b vs. 1.451774b +16.844%
FY Cost of sales [781.140m] vs. [702.173m] +11.246%
FY Gross profit 915.178m vs. 749.601m +22.089%
FY Distribution costs [134.591m] vs. [169.445m] -20.570%
FT Administrative Expenses [422.452m] vs. [350.812m] +20.421%
FY Operating profit 358.364m vs. 231.696m +54.670%
FY Finance costs [85.218m] vs. [52.549m] +62.169%
FY Profit before income tax 273.146m vs. 179.147m +52.470%
FY Profit for the year 183.604m vs. 133.876m +37.145%
EPS 0.67 vs. 0.49 +36.735%
Total Assets 2.407529b vs. 1.858734b +29.525%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 418.780m vs. 11.649m +3,494.987%
Dividend 0.42 vs. 0.38 +10.526%
product diversification, entry into new markets and growth of the digital offering.
Growth of operating margin from 16% 21%
Expanding into new territories within Southern Africa and Francophone territories
Strong FY Earnings.
Longhorn Publishers Ltd HY 2018 results through 31st December 2017 vs. 31st December 2016
HY Sales 513.460m vs. 684.057m -24.939%
HY Cost of sales [191.059m] vs. [318.652m] -40.041%
HY Gross profit 322.401m vs. 365.405m -11.769%
HY Total operating expenses [270.310m] vs. [306.535m] -11.818%
HY PBT 52.091m vs. 58.870m -11.515%
HY Net PAT 36.463m vs. 43.564m -16.300%
Total Assets 1.734286b vs. 1.870154b -7.265%
Total Equity 982.169m vs. 975.556m +0.678%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 13.268m vs. [3.432m] +486.597%
No interim dividend
EPS 0.10 vs. 0.12 -16.667%
Company Commentary
Turnover dropped by 25% attributed to the new Government text book procurement framework which resulted in a sift in the buying pattern from Q2 to Q3 of our financial year
improvement in our operational efficiency and focus on high margin products.
newest market Senegal
digital learning continues to grow exponentially.
Have expanded geographically wit despatch.
There is an H2 Skew.
quite a bullish commentary
FY Revenue 1.451774b vs. 1.503512b -3.441%
FY Cost of sales [702.173m] vs. [748.082m] -6.137%
FY Gross profit 749.601m vs. 755.430m -0.772%
FY Distribution costs [169.445m] vs. [194.314m] -12.798%
FY Administrative expenses [350.812m] vs. [400.096m] -12.318%
FY Operating profit 231.696m vs. 164.279m +41.038%
FY Finance costs [52.549m] vs. [25.002m] +110.179%
FY Profit before income tax 179.147m vs. 139.277m +28.626%
FY Profit for the year 133.876m vs. 104.063m +28.649%
EPS 0.49 vs. 0.66 -25.758%
Total assets 1.858734b vs. 1.866944b -0.440%
Share capital and reserves 945.706m vs. 947.567m -0.196%
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 11.649m vs. 204.049m -94.291%
Final dividend 0.29/ share
Interim dividend 0.09/ share
Number of outstanding shares 272,440,473
Commentary on Results
+29% FY PAT
Turnover dropped marginally by 3% due to a reduction in volumes sold in Kenya
Sales from Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda and Senegal contributed 30% of the Group Turnover versus 20% in previous year
diversification into digital products, reference and tertiary materials
potential risks around the changes in the Kenya school curriculum
9% drop in production and operating expenses.
Co. generated 244m from operating activities reduced short term borrowings by 30%
LongHorn management encouraged by the growth in the sale of digital products
Dividend 29cents a share [+Interim of 9cents]
Strong Earnings, in fact
H1 Earnings through 31st Dec 2016 versus 6 months through 31st Dec 2015
H1 Sales 684.057m vs. 842.458m -18.802%
H1 Cost of sales [318.652m] vs. [480.948m] -33.745%
H1 Gross profit 365.405m vs. 361.510m +1.077%
H1 Profit from operations 58.870m vs. 77.359m -23.900%
H1 PAT 43.564m vs. 57.245m -23.899%
H1 Total assets 1.870154b vs, 1.686208b +10.909%
H1 Total equity 975.556m vs. 505.031m +93.168%
H1 Cash & cash equivalents at the end of the period [3.432m] vs. [58.426m] -94.126%
Interim dividend 0.07 share
Company Commentary
Sales dropped by 19% Shift in Buying Patterns in Q3 and conscious decision by the Board to discontinue low margin product.
Digital Strategy Launch of Companys e learning platforms
Interim Dividend
Soft H2 with Headline Sales -18.802%.
FY Sales 1.503512b vs. 848.377m +77.222%
FY Cost of sales [748.082m] vs. [373.729m] +100.167%
FY Selling and distribution expenses [194.314m] vs. [92.357m] +110.394%
FY Finance costs [25.002m] vs. [8.403m] +197.537%
FY Profit before tax 139.277m vs. 96.916m +43.709%
FY Profit [loss] after tax 104.063m vs. 71.726m +45.084%
EPS 0.66 vs. 0.70 -5.714%
Total assets 1.866944b vs. 689.320m +170.839%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 204.048m vs. 0.825m
Dividend per share 0.35
Company Commentary
Turnover grew from 848m to 1.503b mainly attributed to good uptake of reference products
Company acquired distributorship rights of key products from Cambridge University Press, Bible Society of Kenya, Biblica Kenya, Scripture Union of Kenya and Educat of South Africa
Company realised 26% of its sales from export markets
Dividend 35cents a share
Strong Headline revenue acceleration.
H1 Sales 831.353m vs. 531.039m +56.552%
H1 Cost of sales [464.997m] vs. [301.320m] +54.320%
H1 Gross profit 368.723m vs. 229.998m +60.316%
H1 Total operating expenses [262.354m] vs. [180.267m] +45.536%
H1 Profit [Loss] before taxes 97.475m vs. 49.732m +96.001%
H1 Net profit [loss] for the year 67.896m vs. 39.895m +70.187%
H1 Total assets 1.686208b vs. 1.089639b +54.749%
H1 Total equity 515.682m vs. 418.088m 23.343%
Interim dividend
The companys performance was largely driven by the success of the product diversification strategy which saw Longhorn increase its income streams, the company said in a statement.
The Nairobi Securities Exchange traded firm last year signed deals to print and distribute reference materials such as dictionaries, Bibles, hymn books and charts as it sought to reduce its reliance on textbook sales.
Longhorn is expected to raise Sh500 million through a rights issue in the coming weeks to fund its product and regional expansion plans.
Longhorn Publishers Limited FY 2015 as at 30th June, 2015 vs. 30th June 2014
Total assets 689.320m vs. 752.559m -8.4%
Sales 0.848377b vs. 1.396834b -39.3%
Cost of sales [373.729m] vs. [717.561m] -47.9%
Gross profit 474.648m vs. 679.273m -30.1%
Other operating income 2.662m vs. 5.539m -51.9%
Selling and distribution costs [92.357m] vs. [209.580m] -55.9%
Net foreign exchange losses [7.789m] vs. [21.097m] -63.1%
Profit from operations 96.916m vs. 147.226m -34.2%
Profit after tax 71.726m vs. 94.933m -24.4%
Other comprehensive income [8.668m] vs. 0.321m
Total comprehensive income for the year 63.058m vs. 95.254m -33.8%
Earnings per share 0.7 vs 0.93 -24.7%
Dividend 0.15 per share
Company Commentary
Low performance Uganda and Tanzania subsidiaries
Softer earnings but profitable.
Full Year Earnings through 31st March 2014
Full Year Turnover 802.173m versus 758.549m
FY Cost of Sales [349.194m] versus [337.547m]
FY Gross Profit 452.979m versus 421.002m
FY Selling and Distribution Expenses [174.697m] versus [83.739m]
FY Administrative Expenses [156.473m] versus 130.259m]
Provision for receivables and Inventories [33.499m] versus [119.061m]
FY Profit Before Tax 90.373m versus 90.678m
FY Profit after Tax 63.261m versus 63.474m
Practically unchanged versus the Previous Full Year.
H1 Earnings through Dec 2013 versus through Dec 2012
H1 Total Income 560.187m versus 527.972m
H1 Direct Expenses 276.848m versus 237.619m
H1 Employee Costs 84.783m 60.032m
H1 Operational and administrative expenses 103.443m versus 54.279m
H1 Provisions for Trading Gains/Losses 33.499m versus 134.142m
H1 Total Expenses 517.109m versus 503.799m
H1 PBT 43.078m versus 24.174m +78.199%
H1 PAT 30.155m versus 16.922m
Company Commentary
The Companys growth resilience has been fuelled by bold ventures in the export market where we competitively won various government tenders to supply school books in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
No Interim Dividend
Half Year Results through Dec 2012 versus 6 Months through June 2012
Inventories 85.669m versus 275.038m
Trade and other Receivables 272.043m versus 156.662m
Sales 525.624m versus 775.943m
Cost of Sales [237.619m] versus [358.722m]
Gross Profit 287.645m versus 417.221m
Administrative Expenses [78.302m] versus [274.004m]
Provisions for Inventories and Receivables [134.142m] versus [79.990m]
Operating Profit 24.174m versus [25.949m]
H1 PBT 24.174m versus [22.465m]
H1 PAT 16.922m versus [22.465m]
52wk Range: 15.00 21.00
FY Earnings Swot Analysis
Turnover 0.775943b versus 1.100947b
Cost of Sales 438.712m versus 552.687m
Selling and Distribution Expenses 87.499m versus 152.478m
Admin Expenses 274.004m versus 183.793m
Profit Before Tax -25.949m versus 213.075m
Profit After Tax -22.465m versus 127.746m
Earnings Per Share -0.38 versus +2.18
No Dividend
Company Commentary
High inflation and sharp depreciation in the shilling last year had forced the Kenyan government to re direct funds to other priorities, the company said in a statement On Tuesday. Longhorn, Kenyas first listed book publisher, began trading on Kenyas Alternative Investment Market Segment in May. Governments generally accounted for 80 percent of textbook purchases, Longhorn said.
Its at a Post Introduction Low and evidently soft Results were expected. Nothing compelling here, for now.
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Data Source: Nairobi Stock Exchange
Trading Day: 08 Jun 2020 |