Circular to Dealing Member Firms(DMFs) on the Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19): Extension of Time to Complete The2020 Self-Assessment Form

We refer to the self-assessment link sent to all DMFs on 17 March 2020 via our electronic mail address all DMFs to complete and submit the form on or before Friday, 27 March 2020.
You mayrecall,as part of the measures taken at The Exchange to respond and reduce the business and economic impacts of the Coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic on the activities of DMFs, The Exchange via our circular NSE/RD/BDR/CIR6/20/03/24dated 24 March 2020grantedall DMFs an additional sixty (60) day grace period for the submission of their Audited Financial Statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2019, thereby extending the deadline to Friday,29 May 2020.
In light of the foregoing, kindly note that The Exchange is herebyextending the deadline for the completion and submission of the self-assessment forms to Thursday, 30 April 2020.For further clarifications on the above, please contact the Broker Dealer Regulation Department via
Please beguided accordingly